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In order to link your domain to your blog, you need to take several simple steps: 1. Set up your domain in your Blogger account. Once you log into your Blogger account, click on the name of your blog you wish to map a domain to: Then click on the Settings tab and choose Basic: In The instructions provided in this section were verified against Mozilla Thunderbird 31.4.0. They might not work with earlier or later versions of Mozilla Thunderbird. To set up Mozilla Thunderbird: Open Mozilla Thunderbird. Click Email under the Create a new account heading. Click the Skip this Με τη νέα αλλαγή στον Chrome, οι χρήστες παίρνουν ένα σινιάλο ασφάλειας. Με ένα πολύ εμφανές σημάδι “Χ” θα μπορείς να καταλάβεις αμέσως ότι η σελίδα δεν έχει Αποτελεί τη νέα τάση της τεχνολογίας και αναφέρεται στην ορθή λειτουργία και απεικόνιση μιας ιστοσελίδας μέσω συγκεκριμένων τεχνικών και τεχνολογιών (responsive, adaptive Unlike On- page SEO, off-page SEO refers to activities outside the boundaries of the webpage. The most important are: Link Building Social Media Social bookmarking We will look at these in detail below but first let me explain about the importance and benefits of off-page SEO. Why is Off-Page SEO important? For many, reading on the mobile web is a slow, clunky and frustrating experience - but it doesn’t have to be that way. The Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project is an open source initiative that embodies the vision that publishers can create mobile optimized content once and have it load instantly